Namaste Bharat AJ

Namaste Bharat AJ

The top 5 KPIs to measure the success of your hybrid event.

The top 5 KPIs to measure the success of your hybrid event.

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What are Key performance indicators? | What mean KPI?

KPI (Key performance indicator) is used to measure the growth of any business or organization, (such as a project, program, product or sell etc.), So remember that KPIs are not only used to measure the growth of your business even if that business is from anyone it can be used, so remove it from the mind that KPI is used for any particular business. You will understand from the example given below, there are many such steps in marketing and sales too. When you can grow your business, and all this happens under the notice of KPI. For example, Since 1988, the government of Ontario, Canada has used KPIs to measure the level of higher education, the government of Canada has used KPIs to improve the level of higher education. How many people joined the school, how many people left, some

people are not getting an education. Using all these the Ontario government of Canada improved its education KPI.

A (KPI) is a quantitative measurement used to measure an event's performance against desired results; It tells us whether the event or any project has achieved its goal or not. KPI is to tell whether the event's strategy is correct and useful or not.


The top 5 KPIs to measure the success of your hybrid event.

·       Click-through Rate (CTR)

·       The attrition Rate

·       Total Registrations

·       Sponsor Engagement

·       Lead Conversion Rate

·       Click-through Rate (CTR)

CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign or email marketing. CTR is the percentage of users who clicked on an advertising link out of the total number of people who viewed it. The number of clicks on the link sent in the email is the key to the success of your event. Your CTR should be at least 2.5%. To get a good CTR the content of your invitation should be attractive and easy to understand and your content should contain correct information about the event, which includes the name of your sponsors, the subject of the event, the information of the event host. CTR formula: (Total no. of clicks/Total impressions X 100).


·       The attrition Rate

Attrition rate gives us information about absenteeism in the event. It is the ratio of absenteeism and total registration. This informs about the success of the event and we find new ways to increase the attendance at the event. There can be many reasons for the absence of the audience, we have to find those reasons and review them to increase the attendance in the event. The attrition rate tells us that some people are not very excited about our event. By looking at the attrition rate, we can know what new items we can add to the event or what we can change so that more people can join and like our event. How to find Attrition rate? The formula is (no. of absence/ total no of registrants X 100).

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·       Total Registrations

The total number of registrations gives us instant information about the success of the event. You can know from the number of registrations how popular the event is and how well the ads worked. If the number of registrations doesn't suit you, you can change or improve the marketing done for the event.


·       Sponsor Engagement

The sponsor is the main personality of each event; they help the event to get new achievements. Preparing for and managing an event is one thing and finding sponsors for an event is another. Every event management team must keep in mind how happy their sponsor is with that event and how to get the attention of the new sponsor. You should make a report of each event and that report should contain information about the achievements and benefits of the event. This will help in getting new sponsors.


·       Lead Conversion Rate

The percentage of people who come to your event and are captured as your lead are called lead conversion rate. With the lead conversion rate, we can understand your event attracts people or not. There is a simple formula for this, we will divide the total number of new people in your event divide by the number of leads and multiply it by 100, in the answer we will get the Lead Conversion Rate.



All these KPIs are enough to measure the success of any event and using them we can redesign the event to make it more accurate. Any KPI can be used not only to measure the success of the event but also to optimize it. Knowing all these KPIs, it comes to know that the reason for the success of any event is not its budget but the work done and management in that event. Events or any other program, if it is done according to the interest of the people, then the chances of its success become very high.

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